Go to the top menu in the dashboard and click "Affiliates"

At the bottom of the affiliate menu on the left, click "Messages"

In the message area, add the subject of your message and then add the text of your message.  If you want to add a URL to the message so when they click on the message it forwards them to that URL, you can add that in the last field.

Select the forms of contact.  You can check mark one or all options including notifications (dashboard notification), SMS Messaging (text message), and automatic translation (if their dashboard is in a different language).

Then select who you want to send the message to.  You have many selections including all of your personal leads, inactive or active leads, or to a single person.  You can also choose to send a copy of the message to yourself.

Then click "Send"

NOTE:  If you chose "notifications", the message will appear as a dashboard notfication.  If you chose "SMS messaging", the person will get an SMS text message they have added their phone number to their personal profile and you have SMS credits available. If you chose "automatic translation" our system will use Google Translate to translate your message and deliver it to the recipient.